Work with Tanya

I offer a range of cross-cultural consulting services, including both in-person visits and consulting via online meetings. I have travelled and presented to international communities in 12 countries on four continents – and I would love to work with you, too!

I conduct seminars and workshops on a wide range of subjects related to cross-cultural family and school life. I work with parents, teachers, administrators, support workers, and young people. I work both with young people living outside their passport countries (or between two or more passport countries) and those attending international schools in the their own countries.

Topics covered include:

  • General introduction to Third Culture Kids / Cross Cultural Kids
  • Tips for supporting TCKs well, and preparing them for long-term success
  • Parenting young adult TCKs/CCKs
  • Transition (preparing to leave, or to be left)
  • Repatriation (preparing for various types of “return”)
  • Change, loss, and grief
  • The range of cross-cultural experiences
  • Cross-cultural complexity in international classrooms
  • Impact of cross-cultural schooling on family dynamic

In addition, topics can be adapted or prepared especially for particular events. Learn more about working with me on my main website.


We were fortunate to have Tanya visit us at The International School of Tanganyika in 2018. She presented to Grades 4-12, teachers, teacher assistants, and parents. We had sessions about transitions to new homes as well as to new life journeys, parent mornings, an evening for seniors to look at the future, fun classroom sessions, and enlightening conversations with staff and students. Tanya is well versed in the lives of expats and 3rd culture kids, and she brings a strong knowledge and personalized style to each presentation. The conversations that accompanied her presentations were strong and provided many with the opportunity to express fears and excitement about their next steps in life. Tanya was lovely to host, interesting to talk to, and recommended for schools with diverse and ever changing and moving populations.
Kirk Leichner
ES Librarian, IST (Tanzania)
“Our agency was happy to receive Tanya Crossman to speak to our multi-cultural expatriate community about third culture children (TCKs) in April 2017. First, her correspondence before coming to our country was very professional and prompt in response time. We asked her to lead a workshop to help our adult community understand some of the stages and experiences that third culture children experience. Not only was Tanya able to address these issues due to her research but even more so thanks to her own first hand exposure to many TCKs while working in China. Tanya’s presentation was reassuring to the parents who sometimes can’t understand their children because they can’t always relate to their children since they grew up in a different context. Finally, Tanya gave practical suggestions to help TCKs adapt and make healthy transitions. We knew that it affected our workers when parents were coming up to Tanya and asking questions or sharing their own experiences.”
Jerry and Carolyn Moyer
World Team France Directors